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geometry (GeometryType)

b2bopticitemsitempairlens → geometry


type Diameter
occurs 1
description dimension of the lens
type Decentration
occurs 0..1
description decentration of the lens
type boolean
occurs 0..1
default false
description optimize the lens with the wavefront data
type float
unity mm
occurs 0..n, not together with thicknessReductionThin
description the desired thickness of the lens at one or more points
reference (attribute of thickness)
type ThicknessReferences
use required
description the place of the thickness value
type boolean
occurs 0..1, not together with thicknessReductionThin
description thickness reduction of edge and center (e.g. Essilor: Precal; Hoya: METS; Rodenstock: MDM; Zeiss: Optima)
reference (attribute of thicknessReduction)
type ThicknessReductionReferences
use required
description thickness reduction based on frame shape or raw lens
type boolean
occurs 0..1, not together with thickness or thicknessReduction
default false
description the lens should be as thin as possible
type ThinningPrism
occurs 0..1
description prism to reduce the thickness
type Curve
occurs 0..1
description lens curve
type float
unity depends on attribut “dimension”
occurs 0..1
description Horizontal offset from the nasal distance reference point due to the near reference point by the akkomotation in near vision.
ISNEWLO010604 dimension (attribute of inset)
type insetDimension
use optional
description default dimension for inset is MM; for some lens supplier PERCENT is possible too (0% - 100%)
type float
unity mm
occurs 0..1
description Vertical distance from the distance reference point to the top of the near zone (only for multifocal lenses)
type string (enum)
occurs 0..1
description type of lens design
values description
A different for each lens manufacturer
B different for each lens manufacturer
C different for each lens manufacturer
type float
unity mm
occurs 0..1 (not together with progression(Far/Middle/Near)VisionShiftDistance)
description for progressive lenses with variable length of progressionzone
type float
unity mm
occurs 0..1 (not together with progressionLength; progressionNearVisionShiftDistance is required)
description Far Vision Vertical Shift distance Bz to Bf
type float
unity mm
occurs 0..1 (not together with progressionLength)
description Near Vision Vertical Shift distance Bz to Bn
type float
unity mm
occurs 0..1 (not together with progressionLength; progressionNearVisionShiftDistance is required)
description Middle Vision Vertical Shift distance
type string
occurs 0..1
description Type of calculation of the progression zone length
<xs:complexType name="GeometryType">
    <xs:element name="diameter" type="Diameter"/>
    <xs:element name="decentration" type="Decentration" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="waveFrontOptimisation" type="xs:boolean" default="false" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="thickness" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xs:extension base="xs:float">
                <xs:attribute name="reference" type="ThicknessReferences" use="required"/>
        <xs:element name="thicknessReduction" default="false" minOccurs="0">
              <xs:extension base="xs:boolean">
                <xs:attribute name="reference" type="ThicknessReductionReferences" use="required"/>
      <xs:element name="thicknessReductionThin" type="xs:boolean" default="false" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="thinningPrism" type="ThinningPrism" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="curve" type="Curve" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="inset" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:extension base="xs:float">
            <xs:attribute name="dimension" type="InsetDimension" default="MM"/>
    <xs:element name="upset" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="designType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:enumeration value="A"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="B"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="C"/>
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
      <xs:element name="progressionLength" type="xs:float"/>
        <xs:element name="progressionFarVisionShiftDistance" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="progressionNearVisionShiftDistance" type="xs:float"/>
        <xs:element name="progressionMiddleVisionShiftDistance" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="progressionZoneCalculationType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
en/lensorder/version010605/complextypes/geometrytype.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 04:10 by