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Overview usage

Further important changes

  • ISNEW Valid ranges can now be definied at lensPriceGroups, optionPriceGroups, lensRanges, combinationTrees. This can be used to set start-up dates, run-off dates, validity periods and Special offer periods.
    Dies kann dazu genutzt werden um Anlauftermine, Auslauftermine, Gültigkeitszeiträume und Aktionszeiträume festzulegen.
  • ISNEW ID's are set to use an information on many places. If the information has to be changed, you have to change it only once and not on every place where it is used.
  • ISNEW lensfocalgroups: The lensfocalgroups were created to group and rename lenses that have the same focaltype (single vision, progressives, office…) but should be handled for different reasons as a seperate group.e.g. Digital lenses that are technically progressives but should not be named like this in PMS or on invoices. By setting the focal type all parameters related to this focal type are available for the respective lensfocalgroup. The name of the lensfocalgroup should be displayed to the user instead of the focal type.
  • ISNEW lensMaterialProperties: This section has been created to organise the lens materials and to avoid redundant entries in every lens. The lens material will be created once and can be linked via an ID to all lenses that are made of this material. (see usage -> lensMaterialProperties)
en/lenscatalog/version070200/usage/importantchanges.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/15 07:35 by