values | description |
unit | |
b2b lensorder element | |
former SF6 element | |
BACK_VERTEX_DISTANCE | BVD with spectacle frame |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → centration → backVertexDistance | |
10 ( BVD Correction) | |
BACK_VERTEX_DISTANCE_REFRACTION | BVD with trial frame / phoropter |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → backVertexDistanceRefraction | |
11 (BVD Refraction) | |
INTERPUPILLARY_DISTANCE | distance between the center of the pupils of the two eyes → do not use for centration! |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → interpupillaryDistanceRight b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → interpupillaryDistanceLeft |
22 (Single PD) and 20 ( Normal PD) | |
MONOCUOLAR_CENTRATION_DISTANCE_FAR | monocular distance of the far centration point in the frame |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → centration → monocularCentrationDistance | |
21 (Glazing PD) | |
MONOCUOLAR_CENTRATION_DISTANCE_NEAR | monocular distance of the near centration point in the frame e.g. for reading glasses |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → centration → monocularCentrationDistance | |
21 (Glazing PD) | |
AXIS_GRADIENT_COLOR | axis for cylinder on polarised and gradient color |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → cylinder → | |
23 (axis gradient color) | |
REFRACTION_FAR | far refractive power of the lens |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → rxDataFn → far | |
25 (Distance Refraction) | |
REFRACTION_NEAR | near refractive power of the lens |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → rxDataFn → near | |
26 (Near Refraction) | |
degree | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → frame → pantoscopicAngle (Unit of measure=“DEG“) | |
31 (Pantoscopic angle, degree) 30 (Pantoscopic angle, degree or mm) |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → frame → pantoscopicAngle (Unit of measure=“MM“) | |
32 (Pantoscopic angle, mm) 30 (Pantoscopic angle, degree or mm) |
degree | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → frame → frameWrapAngle | |
40 (Wrap angle) | |
BASE_CURVE | basecurve of the lens |
dpt | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → curve → baseCurve | |
42 (Base curve) | |
BASE_CURVE_FLAT | basecurve flatter than standard |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → curve → flat | |
43 (Base curve (flat/steep) ) | |
BASE_CURVE_MORE_CURVED | basecurve steeper than standard |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → curve → moreCurved | |
43 (Base curve (flat/steep) ) | |
BASE_CURVE_DEMO_LENS | basecurve of the demo lens |
dpt | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → curve → baseCurveDemoLens | |
44 (Basecurve of Demolens) | |
BOX_WIDTH | width of box around frame (including facet) |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → frame → boxWidth | |
50 (Box width) | |
BOX_HEIGHT | height of box around frame (including facet) |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → frame → boxHeight | |
51 (Box height) | |
DISTANCE_BETWEEN_LENSES | distance of boxes around frame |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → frame → distanceBetweenLenses | |
52 (Dbl) | |
FITTING_HEIGHT | Fitting height |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → centration → height | |
53 (Fitting height) | |
INSET | individual inset setting |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → inset | |
65 (Inset) | |
HEAD_TILT | the tilt of the patients head - quantitative in degrees |
degree | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → headTilt | |
70 (Head tilt) | |
HEAD_TILT_MAGNITUDE | the tilt of the patients head - qualitative |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → headTiltMagnitude | |
71 (Headtilt magnitude(gering/mittel/stark) ) | |
HEAD_CAPE | ![]() |
degree | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → headCape | |
72 (Head cape) | |
EYE_ROTATION_CENTER_DISTANCE_FRAME | Eye rotation centre distance b' |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → centration → eyeRotationCenterDistance (reference=“FRAME“) | |
74 (Eye rotation centre distance b') | |
EYE_ROTATION_CENTER_DISTANCE_CORNEA | Eye rotation centre distance Z' |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → centration → eyeRotationCenterDistance (reference=“CORNEA“) | |
75 (Eye rotation centre distance Z') | |
FIRST_NAME | patients first name |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → firstName | |
80 (First name patient) | |
LAST_NAME | patients surname |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → lastName | |
81 (Surname patient) | |
APPLIANCE_WEIGHT_FAR_PERCENT | Weighting of the far vision zone in percent, by using an orderoptionrange from 0 to 100 and a step of 100 a simple yes/no decision can be forced |
percent | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → applianceWeight → weightingFar | |
221 (Design number Room / far) | |
APPLIANCE_WEIGHT_MIDDLE_PERCENT | Weighting of the intermediate vision zone in percent, by using an orderoptionrange from 0 to 100 and a step of 100 a simple yes/no decision can be forced |
percent | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → applianceWeight → weightingMiddle | |
222 (Design number Intermediate) | |
APPLIANCE_WEIGHT_NEAR_PERCENT | Weighting of the near vision zone, by using an orderoptionrange from 0 to 100 and a step of 100 a simple yes/no decision can be forced |
percent | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → applianceWeight → weightingNear | |
223 (Design number Near) | |
DOMINANT_EYE | the dominating eye |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → DominantEye | |
103 (Dominant eye) | |
PROGRESSION_LENGTH | progression length |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → progressionLength | |
110 (Progression length) | |
PROGRESSION_LENGTH_FRAMEFIT | progression length described by FrameFit value |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → frameFit → progressionCodeType ( progressionCodeType=“FrameFit”) | |
111 (Progression length (Framefit-value) ) | |
PROGRESSION_LENGTH_CCODE | progression length described by CCode value |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → frameFit → progressionCodeType ( progressionCodeType=“CCode”) | |
113 (Progression length (CCode-Value) ) | |
PROGRESSION_FAR_VISION_SHIFT_DISTANCE | Far Vision Vertical Shift distance Bz ( ![]() |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → progressionFarVisionShiftDistance | |
215 (Design point Distance) | |
PROGRESSION_MIDDLE_VISION_SHIFT_DISTANCE | Middle Vision Vertical Shift distance |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → progressionMiddleVisionShiftDistance | |
217 (Design point Intermediate) | |
PROGRESSION_NEAR_VISION_SHIFT_DISTANCE | Near Vision Vertical Shift distance Bz ( ![]() |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → progressionNearVisionShiftDistance | |
216 (Design point Near) | |
HEAD_EYEMOVER_QUOTIENT | the head-eye-coefficient describes the weight between head- and eye movement |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → ipseo → he | |
120 (Head / Eyemover Quotient / Eyemover Quotient) | |
STABILITY_COEFFICIENT | the stability-coefficient |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → ipseo → st | |
121 (Stability coefficient) | |
ADDITION_REFRACTION_METHOD | describes how the addition power has been measured |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → additionRefractionMethod | |
130 (Addition meas. method) | |
SHAPE_EXPLICIT | describes the lens shape with at least 18 points |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → frame → shape → explicit | |
140 (Rough shape (was “Form“) ) | |
SHAPE_TRACERDATA | describes the lens shape with at least 256 points (with variable gradation) or 500 points (with fixed gradation) |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → frame → shape → tracerData | |
141 (Fine shape) | |
SHAPE_SHAPEID_CATALOG | use a shape from a defined catalogue for shape related processes |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → frame → shape → catalog → shapeId | |
142 (Shape-No. from database) | |
THICKNESS_EDGE | given thickness on the lens edge |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → thickness (reference=“EDGE“) | |
145 (Rim thickness) | |
THICKNESS_CENTER | given thickness on the lens center |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → thickness (reference=“CENTER“) | |
146 (Centre thickness) | |
THICKNESS_DRILLHOLE | given thickness on a drillhole |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → thickness (reference=“DRILLHOLE“) | |
147 (Thickness at drillhole) | |
DESIGNTYPE | describes the preference for a progressive lens design e.g. far, intermediate or near |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → designType | |
160 (Design type) | |
BRANDING | describes if a brand engraving can be selected |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → branding | |
199 (Branding) | |
BRANDING_POSITION_POLAR | will be used if the branding position can be defined individually |
mm and degree | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → branding → position | |
(new) | |
BRANDING_POSITION_CARTESIAN | will be used if the branding position can be defined individually |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → branding → position | |
(new) | |
ENGRAVING_TEXT | individual engraving in the lens (text) |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → engraving | |
200 (Engraved text/Lens/engraving) | |
REFRACTION_DISTANCE_NEAR | refraction distance for close range (e.g. reading) |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → nearRefractionDistance | |
203 (Refraction distance Near) | |
DECENTRATION_HORIZONTAL | individual decentration in horizontal direction |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → decentration → horizontal | |
205 (Horizontal Decentration) | |
PROGRESSION_ZONE_CALCULATION_TYPE | Type of calculation of the progression zone length |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → progressionZoneCalculationType | |
208 (Calculation type of progression zone) | |
OBJECT_DISTANCE_NEAR | object distance for close range (e.g. reading) |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → nearObjectDistance | |
212 (Near object distance) | |
OBJECT_DISTANCE_MIDDLE | object distance for middle range |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → middleObjectDistance | |
218 (Working distance/ Object distance Intermediate) | |
OBJECT_DISTANCE_FAR | object distance for far range |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → farObjectDistance | |
219 (Working distance/ Object distance Room) | |
WAVEFRONTOPTIMISATION | optimize the lens with the wavefront data |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → waveFrontOptimisation | |
230 (Optimised wavefront) | |
HANDEDNESS | preference for using right, left or both hands |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → handedness (HandednessSide) | |
240 handedness (right/left/balanced) | |
THINNINGPRISM_AUTO | automatic calculation of the individual thinning prism in freeform lenses |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → thinningPrism | |
250 (ThinningPrismAutoType) | |
THINNINGPRISM_VALUE | specific value for the individual thinning prism in freeform lenses |
cm/m | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → geometry → thinningPrism | |
251 (ThinningPrismValue) | |
COLOR_NAME | free text to describe a “tint to sample”-order |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → colorName | |
(new) | |
REMARK | remark for a single lens |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → remark | |
(new) | |
PUPILDIAMETER | diameter of the pupil |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → pupillometryData | |
260 (pupildiameter) | |
ILLUMINANCE | level of illuminance to which the pupils are exposed |
lx | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → pupillometryData | |
261 (illuminance) | |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → nvb | |
270 (NVB) | |
BODYHEIGHT | bodyheight |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → bodyheight | |
280 (Bodyheight) | |
BIRTHDATE | birthdate |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → dateOfBirth | |
83 | |
![]() |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → ![]() |
85 | |
![]() |
b2boptic → items → item → options → insurance →duration | |
300 | |
SENSITIVITY_FARVISION | sensitivity farVision |
![]() |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → sensitivity → farVision | |
290 (Sensitivity/FarVision) | |
SENSITIVITY_NEARVISION | sensitivity/nearVision |
![]() |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → sensitivity → nearVision | |
291 (Sensitivity/NearVision) | |
SENSITIVITY_PREVIOUSDESIGN | sensitivity/previousDesign |
![]() |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → sensitivity → previousDesign | |
292 (Sensitivity/PreviousDesign) | |
CENTRATION_CONSIDERED_PRISM_HOR | prism considered at horizontal centration |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → centration → monocularCentrationDistance → consideredPrism | |
CENTRATION_CONSIDERED_PRISM_VER | prism considered at vertical centration |
none | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → lens → centration → height → consideredPrism | |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → biometerData → biometerMeasurement → results → result → axialLength | |
310 | |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → biometerData → biometerMeasurement → results → result → centralCorneaThickness | |
311 | |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → biometerData → biometerMeasurement → results → result → anteriorChamberDepth | |
312 | |
mm | |
b2boptic → items → item → pair → patient → biometerData → biometerMeasurement → results → result → crystalineLensThickness | |
313 | |
ADDITION2 | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
320 | |
![]() |
![]() |
330 |
<xs:simpleType name="B2BCatalogOrderOptions"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="BACK_VERTEX_DISTANCE"/> <xs:enumeration value="BACK_VERTEX_DISTANCE_REFRACTION"/> <xs:enumeration value="INTERPUPILLARY_DISTANCE"/> <xs:enumeration value="MONOCUOLAR_CENTRATION_DISTANCE"/> <xs:enumeration value="REFRACTION_FAR"/> <xs:enumeration value="REFRACTION_NEAR"/> <xs:enumeration value="PANTOSCOPIC_ANGLE"/> <xs:enumeration value="PANTOSCOPIC_ANGLE_DEG"/> <xs:enumeration value="PANTOSCOPIC_ANGLE_MM"/> <xs:enumeration value="FRAME_WRAP_ANGLE"/> <xs:enumeration value="BASE_CURVE"/> <xs:enumeration value="BASE_CURVE_FLAT"/> <xs:enumeration value="BASE_CURVE_MORE_CURVED"/> <xs:enumeration value="BASE_CURVE_DEMO_LENS"/> <xs:enumeration value="BOX_WIDTH"/> <xs:enumeration value="BOX_HEIGHT"/> <xs:enumeration value="DISTANCE_BETWEEN_LENSES"/> <xs:enumeration value="FITTING_HEIGHT"/> <xs:enumeration value="INSET"/> <xs:enumeration value="HEAD_TILT"/> <xs:enumeration value="HEAD_TILT_MAGNITUDE"/> <xs:enumeration value="HEAD_CAPE"/> <xs:enumeration value="EYE_ROTATION_CENTER_DISTANCE_FRAME"/> <xs:enumeration value="EYE_ROTATION_CENTER_DISTANCE_CORNEA"/> <xs:enumeration value="FIRST_NAME"/> <xs:enumeration value="LAST_NAME"/> <xs:enumeration value="APPLIANCE_WEIGHT"/> <xs:enumeration value="APPLIANCE_WEIGHT_FAR_PERCENT"/> <xs:enumeration value="APPLIANCE_WEIGHT_MIDDLE_PERCENT"/> <xs:enumeration value="APPLIANCE_WEIGHT_NEAR_PERCENT"/> <xs:enumeration value="DOMINANT_EYE"/> <xs:enumeration value="PROGRESSION_LENGTH"/> <xs:enumeration value="PROGRESSION_LENGTH_FRAMEFIT"/> <xs:enumeration value="PROGRESSION_LENGTH_CCODE"/> <xs:enumeration value="PROGRESSION_FAR_VISION_SHIFT_DISTANCE"/> <xs:enumeration value="PROGRESSION_MIDDLE_VISION_SHIFT_DISTANCE"/> <xs:enumeration value="PROGRESSION_NEAR_VISION_SHIFT_DISTANCE"/> <xs:enumeration value="HEAD_EYEMOVER_QUOTIENT"/> <xs:enumeration value="STABILITY_COEFFICIENT"/> <xs:enumeration value="ADDITION_REFRACTION_METHOD"/> <xs:enumeration value="SHAPE_EXPLICIT"/> <xs:enumeration value="SHAPE_TRACERDATA"/> <xs:enumeration value="SHAPE_SHAPEID_CATALOG"/> <xs:enumeration value="THICKNESS_EDGE"/> <xs:enumeration value="THICKNESS_CENTER"/> <xs:enumeration value="THICKNESS_DRILLHOLE"/> <xs:enumeration value="DESIGNTYPE"/> <xs:enumeration value="BRANDING"/> <xs:enumeration value="BRANDING_POSITION"/> <xs:enumeration value="ENGRAVING"/> <xs:enumeration value="ENGRAVING_BITMAP"/> <xs:enumeration value="ENGRAVING_POSITION"/> <xs:enumeration value="REFRACTION_DISTANCE_NEAR"/> <xs:enumeration value="REFRACTION_DISTANCE_FAR"/> <xs:enumeration value="DECENTRATION_HORIZONTAL"/> <xs:enumeration value="PROGRESSION_ZONE_CALCULATION_TYPE"/> <xs:enumeration value="OBJECT_DISTANCE_NEAR"/> <xs:enumeration value="OBJECT_DISTANCE_MIDDLE"/> <xs:enumeration value="OBJECT_DISTANCE_FAR"/> <xs:enumeration value="WAVEFRONTOPTIMISATION"/> <xs:enumeration value="HANDEDNESS"/> <xs:enumeration value="THINNINGPRISM_AUTO"/> <xs:enumeration value="THINNINGPRISM_VALUE"/> <xs:enumeration value="COLOR_NAME"/> <xs:enumeration value="REMARK"/> <xs:enumeration value="PUPIL_DIAMETER"/> <xs:enumeration value="ILLUMINANCE"/> <xs:enumeration value="NEAR_VISION_BEHAVIOUR"/> <xs:enumeration value="BODYHEIGHT"/> <xs:enumeration value="BIRTHDATE"/> <xs:enumeration value="CRAFTSMANMODE"/> <xs:enumeration value="INSURANCE_DURATION"/> <xs:enumeration value="SENSITIVITY_FARVISION"/> <xs:enumeration value="SENSITIVITY_NEARVISION"/> <xs:enumeration value="SENSITIVITY_PREVIOUSDESIGN"/> <xs:enumeration value="CENTRATION_CONSIDERED_PRISM_HOR"/> <xs:enumeration value="CENTRATION_CONSIDERED_PRISM_VER"/> <xs:enumeration value="BIOMETRIC_AXIAL_LENGTH"/> <xs:enumeration value="BIOMETRIC_CENTRAL_CORNEA_THICKNESS"/> <xs:enumeration value="BIOMETRIC_ANTERIOR_CHAMBER_DEPTH"/> <xs:enumeration value="BIOMETRIC_CRYSTALLINE_LENS_THICKNESS"/> <xs:enumeration value="ADDITION2"/> <xs:enumeration value="ATORIC_OPTIMISATION"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType>
en/lenscatalog/version070200/simpletypes/b2bcatalogorderoptions.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/27 04:25 by gerdbernau