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type B2BCatalogCode
occurs 1
description productcode of the option; max 20 characters with capitals or numerics; the option code needs to be unique in the catalog
type B2BCatalogOldCodes
occurs 0..1
description reference to codes that were valid in old catalogs and the current option is the successor
type B2BCatalogProductNames
occurs 1
description productname of the option
type B2BCatalogGroupIds
occurs 0..1
description reference to a optiongroup by id; the option is member of this group
type xs:unsignedInt
occurs 0..1
description sorts the output in a user interface; the lowest number is at the top and the highest at the bottom
type B2BCatalogDatePeriod
occurs 0..1
description the validation timespan were this option is available and valid; if start and/or end is not set, the valid date of the catalog is used
type B2BCatalogCoatingTypes
occurs 0..1
description if the option is a coating, then the type and variable attributes are here specified
type B2BCatalogOptionTypes
occurs 0..1
description if the option representing a supplement then the kind is here specified
type union of B2BCatalogSingleLensOrder and B2BCatalogDerivedFromLens
occurs 0..1
default SAME_AS_LENS
description specify if a lens with this option can be ordered as single lens or only as pair; to order a single lens, the lens and every selected option have to allow the single lens ordering
type union of B2BCatalogBrands and B2BCatalogDerivedFromLens
occurs 0..1
default SAME_AS_LENS
description describes the brand classification of the option; this has no impact on validation or combination
type B2BCatalogOpticalProperties
occurs 0..1
description if the option is a coating (e.g. color), it describes the optical properties
type B2BCatalogTrafficRestrictionTypes
occurs 0..1
default NONE
description describes the traffic suitability according DIN EN ISO 14880
type B2BCatalogPriceGroupIds
occurs 0..1
description reference to a group of prices by id
type B2BCatalogOnlineOrder
occurs 0..1
description specifies how a lens with this option can be ordered; for a lens with options, the result is positive if it is set for the lens and every selected option (AND operation)
type B2BCatalogOrderSendTypes
occurs 0..1
description specifies if the productcode (element code) is transfered at an order; the default is that every code is transfered
type B2BCatalogBoolWithSameAsLens
occurs 0..1
default SAME_AS_LENS
description specifies if an agreed discount will be considered on the price of the option
type B2BCatalogOrderOptionIds
occurs 0..1
description reference to orderOption by id
type B2BCatalogOrderOptionRangeIds
occurs 0..1
description reference to orderOptionRanges by id
type B2BCatalogInformationIds
occurs 0..1
description reference to information entries by id
type xs:anyType
occurs 0..1
description place for internal extension; elements below internal are not part of the format and should not be used in official catalogs and inter-company use
<xs:complexType name="B2BCatalogOption">
    <xs:element name="code" type="B2BCatalogCode"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="oldCodes" type="B2BCatalogOldCodes"/>
    <xs:element name="names" type="B2BCatalogProductNames"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="groupIds" type="B2BCatalogGroupIds"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="sorting" type="xs:unsignedInt"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="valid" type="B2BCatalogDatePeriod"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="coatingTypes" type="B2BCatalogCoatingTypes"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="optionTypes" type="B2BCatalogOptionTypes"/>
    <xs:element default="SAME_AS_LENS" minOccurs="0" name="singleLensOrder">
        <xs:union memberTypes="B2BCatalogSingleLensOrder B2BCatalogDerivedFromLens"/>
    <xs:element default="SAME_AS_LENS" minOccurs="0" name="brand">
        <xs:union memberTypes="B2BCatalogBrands B2BCatalogDerivedFromLens"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="opticalProperties" type="B2BCatalogOpticalProperties"/>
    <xs:element default="NONE" minOccurs="0" name="trafficRestrictions" type="B2BCatalogTrafficRestrictionTypes"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="priceGroupIds" type="B2BCatalogPriceGroupIds"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="order">
          <xs:extension base="B2BCatalogOnlineOrder">
              <xs:element default="MANDATORY" minOccurs="0" name="sendCode" type="B2BCatalogOrderSendTypes"/>
    <xs:element default="SAME_AS_LENS" minOccurs="0" name="discountable" type="B2BCatalogBoolWithSameAsLens"/>
    <xs:element name="orderOptions" type="B2BCatalogOrderOptionIds" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="orderOptionRangeIds" type="B2BCatalogOrderOptionRangeIds"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="informationIds" type="B2BCatalogInformationIds"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="internal" type="xs:anyType"/>
en/lenscatalog/version070200/complextypes/b2bcatalogoption.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/15 07:35 by