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The Information.Dat file optionally contains the text and image information also contained in the printed price lists.

Table structure

No Field name Pos Length Format Comments
1*Product type1190=base lens
2*Manufacturer code lens / coating 26T6
3*Information type829902=Technical product description
03=Marketing description
05=Order information
06=Delivery notes
07=Delivery range restrictions
09=MDD note
30=Image file
40=URL to image file
42=URL to technical description file
43=URL to marketing description
45=URL to order information
46=URL to delivery notes
47=URL to delivery range additions
49=URL to MDD note
80-99 is reserved for internal information from the manufacturers
4*Line number103999Consecutive numbers starting with 001
5Information line13250T250Describing text or file name or URL

Note: With “Information type = 30”, the image file must be available in the ZIP file. Directory paths must not be specified in the ZIP file. Valid image files include BMP, JPG and WMF formats.

en/lenscatalog/version061002/information.dat.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/30 12:35 by justinvomberg