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File structure

The price list information is provided in altogether 11 files. All files must be combined in a ZIP file on delivery. All files must be contained in the ZIP file on delivery.

File names in the ZIP file

File name Contents
Head.Dat General information about the manufacturer and the price list, as well as a definition of the cylinder and prism groups. Furthermore, all parameters occurring on one occasion only are defined here.
LensType.Dat Specification of base lenses. The products are identified by an unambiguous manufacturer code.
LensRange.Dat Production deliverability ranges of products and product combinations.
LensGeo.DatDescription of the position of lens reference points and lines per base lens.
LensPrice.DatBase lens prices for various power ranges and deliverability options.
Options.DatSpecification of additional extra charges, processes and color groups. The products are identified by an unambiguous manufacturer code.
OptionsColor.DatSpecification of the various single colors per color product
OptionsPrice.DatPrices of additional processes and high or prismatic powers.
Combination.DatInformation about restricted combinability of additional processes
Information.DatAdditional product information
OeCodes.DatErfa codes and OPC codes for lenses and coatings
OrderOptions.DatList of fields that must or can be specified in a lens order
ProductGroup.datServes to combine lenses and options into a product group.
CodeSubstitution.DatAllocation of old, invalid IT codes to new IT codes.
BaseCurve.DatDeliverable ranges for base curves

Definition of file names in the ZIP file

The name of the ZIP file is defined as follows:

The version simply is a serial number starting with 1. If no manufacturer subcode is available, this code is deleted.
Example: HLD–

The code for the language version is defined according to ISO 639-1 Alpha-2.
Also see

The two-digit country code is defined according to ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2.
Also see

Manufacturer-specific files

It is possible that the existing definition of the deliverability display is not sufficient for a certain delivery line of a manufacturer. In such a case, manufacturer-specific data formats can be integrated.

However, no manufacturer-specific files have been defined so far.

en/lenscatalog/version061002/filestructure.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/13 14:35 by larabernau