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The ProductGroup.Dat file allows lenses and options to be combined into a group. Example:

Essilor = Smile, Nikon, Standard.
Zeiss = Smart, Premium etc.

Table structure

No Field name Pos Length Format Comments
1*Product type1190=base lens
2*Manufacturer code lens / coating26T6
3*Product group name830T30

The ProuctGroup.Dat file also contains combination features.

The following rules have been defined:

If no dataset is available for a product, this corresponds to a dataset in which the “Product group name” field has not been filled (is empty). If a dataset is available for a lens in which the “Product group name” field is not filled, every coating is available for this lens (except if this combination is explicitly excluded in the combination.dat file). If a dataset is available for an option in which the “Product group name” field is not filled, this coating is available for every lens (except if this combination is explicitly excluded in the combination.dat file). In all other cases, the following applies: a coating is only available for a lens if a dataset with the same product group is available for each of them.

This file allows the Combination.Dat file to be reduced considerably, as there is no longer any need to mutually exclude complete product groups

en/lenscatalog/version061001/productgroup.dat.txt · Last modified: 2014/03/19 14:31 by estermanns