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en:webservice:version010000:structure [2013/05/31 12:01] sebastianraringen:webservice:version010000:structure [2013/05/31 12:39] (current) sebastianraring
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 +====== Operations ======
 +  * [[en:webservice:version010000:structure:sendb2border|SendB2BOrder]] direct ordering
 +  * [[en:webservice:version010000:structure:getb2borderstatus|GetB2BOrderStatus]] request status information about orders
 +  * [[en:webservice:version010000:structure:uploadordertoplatform|UploadOrderToPlatform]] upload order to a website that is displayed to the user
 +  * [[en:webservice:version010000:structure:downloadorderfromplatform|DownloadOrderFromPlatform]] download a changed order that was first uploaded to a website
 +Not all operations need to be implemented by the server. 
en/webservice/version010000/structure.txt · Last modified: 2013/05/31 12:39 by sebastianraring