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glassesArrangement (GlassesArrangement)

b2bopticitemsitempairlensrxData → glassesArrangement


type integer
unity none
occurs 1
description the cell number of the lens in a trial frame. From the frame plane the cells are counted towards the eye with -1 and descending. In the other direction the cells are counted from the frame plane with 1 and ascending.
type float
unity degree
occurs 1 or if cylinder or prism is present then 0
revers (attribute of sphere)
type bool
use optional
default false
description true if the label is towards the eye
type Cylinder
occurs 1 or if sphere or prism is present then 0
revers (attribute of cylinder)
type bool
use optional
default false
description true if the label is towards the eye
type Prism
occurs 1 or if sphere or cylinder is present then 0
revers (attribute of prism)
type bool
use optional
default false
description true if the label is towards the eye
<xs:complexType name="GlassesArrangement">
    <xs:element name="slot" type="xs:integer"/>
      <xs:element name="sphere">
            <xs:extension base="xs:float">
              <xs:attribute name="revers" type="xs:boolean" default="false"/>
      <xs:element name="cylinder">
            <xs:extension base="Cylinder">
              <xs:attribute name="revers" type="xs:boolean" default="false"/>
      <xs:element name="prism">
            <xs:extension base="Prism">
              <xs:attribute name="prismSlope" type="PrismSlope" use="required"/>
en/lensorder/version010603/complextypes/glassesarrangement/rxdata.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/16 17:19 by sebastianraring