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en:lensinfo:version000300:structure [2013/06/03 14:17] – created sebastianraringen:lensinfo:version000300:structure [2019/12/03 16:58] (current) sebastianraring
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 +====== XML-Structure ======
 +===== Root-Element: b2bOpticInfo =====
 +In the root-element the location of the XSD at should be set, so the receiver could identify the version of XML. In next version it will be mandatory.
 +<code xml>
 +<b2bOpticInfo xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
 +^ [[en:lensinfo:version000300:complextypes:header|header]] ^^
 +^ type | [[en:lensinfo:version000300:complextypes:header|Header]] |
 +^ occurs | 0..1 |
 +^ description | usally not used |
 +^ items ^^
 +^ type | sequence of item |
 +^ occurs | 1 |
 +^ description | main tag that include a list of status info items |
 +^ item (element of items) ^^
 +^ type | Item |
 +^ occurs | 1..n |
 +^ description | a status info for one order |
 +^ referenceNo (element of item) ^^
 +^ type | string |
 +^ occurs | 1 |
 +^ description | the referenceNo of the order (see B2BOptic LensOrder) |
 +^ confirmedOrderId (element of item) ^^
 +^ type | string |
 +^ occurs | 1 |
 +^ description | the order number of the server; it should be unique for the customer |
 +^ salesOrderId (element of item) ^^
 +^ type | string |
 +^ occurs | 0..1 |
 +^ description | order number in ERP system |
 +^ confirmedOrderDate (element of item) ^^
 +^ type | date |
 +^ occurs | 0..1 |
 +^ description | date when order is received by server |
 +^ estimatedDeliveryDate (element of item) ^^
 +^ type | date |
 +^ occurs | 0..1 |
 +^ description | best estimated delivery date |
 +^ orderStatus (element of item) ^^
 +^ type | string |
 +^ occurs | 1 |
 +^ description | the status of the order |
 +^ values ^ description ^
 +| DELETED | order was canceled |
 +| INCOMPLETE | order is not complete and needs additional data for production |
 +| OPEN | order is in progress |
 +| ORDERED | order is ready for production |
 +| PRODUCTION | order is in production |
 +| COATING_TINTING | order is in coating or tinting |
 +| COMPLETED | order is completed but not dispatched |
 +| DISPATCHED | order was dispatched and are on the way to the customer |
 +| FINISHING | order is in finishing, where the lenses are set in a frame |
 +^ errorCode (element of item) ^^
 +^ type | int |
 +^ occurs | 1 |
 +^ description | a unique code for the error |
 +^ errorText (element of item) ^^
 +^ type | string |
 +^ occurs | 1 |
 +^ description | a description of the error |
 +^ experimental ^^
 +^ type | anyType |
 +^ occurs | 0..n |
 +^ description | section for internal tests at development |
 +<code xml>
 +  <xs:element name="b2bOpticInfo">
 +    <xs:complexType>
 +      <xs:sequence>
 +        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="header" type="Header" />
 +        <xs:element name="items">
 +          <xs:complexType>
 +            <xs:sequence>
 +              <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="item">
 +                <xs:complexType>
 +                  <xs:sequence>
 +                    <xs:element name="referenceNo" type="xs:string" />
 +                    <xs:choice>
 +                      <xs:sequence>
 +                        <xs:element name="confirmedOrderId" type="xs:string" />
 +                        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="salesOrderId" type="xs:string" />
 +                        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="confirmedOrderDate" type="xs:date" />
 +                        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="estimatedDeliveryDate" type="xs:date" />
 +                        <xs:element name="orderStatus">
 +                          <xs:simpleType>
 +                            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
 +                              <xs:enumeration value="DELETED" />
 +                              <xs:enumeration value="INCOMPLETE" />
 +                              <xs:enumeration value="OPEN" />
 +                              <xs:enumeration value="ORDERED" />
 +                              <xs:enumeration value="PRODUCTION" />
 +                              <xs:enumeration value="COATING_TINTING" />
 +                              <xs:enumeration value="COMPLETED" />
 +                              <xs:enumeration value="DISPATCHED" />
 +                              <xs:enumeration value="FINISHING" />
 +                            </xs:restriction>
 +                          </xs:simpleType>
 +                        </xs:element>
 +                      </xs:sequence>
 +                      <xs:sequence>
 +                        <xs:element name="errorCode" type="xs:int" />
 +                        <xs:element name="errorText" type="xs:string" />
 +                      </xs:sequence>
 +                    </xs:choice>
 +                  </xs:sequence>
 +                </xs:complexType>
 +              </xs:element>
 +            </xs:sequence>
 +          </xs:complexType>
 +        </xs:element>
 +        <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="experimental" type="xs:anyType" />
 +      </xs:sequence>
 +    </xs:complexType>
 +  </xs:element>
en/lensinfo/version000300/structure.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/03 16:58 by sebastianraring